Please read the following statements carefully so that you will understand the procedures for the counseling session. For simplification the singular is used even when the plural may apply.
I understand the agency will provide a confidential comprehensive personal money management interview.
I understand that the interview will be conducted by a certified consumer credit counselor or qualified counselor. All actions plans, not conducted by a certified consumer credit counselor, will be reviewed by a certified consumer credit counselor.
I understand that in the event, I am dissatisfied; I can utilize the Complaint Resolution Process.
I understand that most of the agency funding comes from voluntary contributions from creditors who participate in Debt Management Plans (DMP). Since creditors have a financial interest in getting paid, most are willing to make a contribution to help fund our agency. These contributions are usually calculated as a percentage of payments you make through your DMP, up to fifteen percent (15%) of each payment received. However, your accounts with your creditors will always be credited with one hundred percent (100%) of the amount you pay through us and we will work with all your creditors regardless of whether they contribute to our agency.
I will grant express authority to release any or all information to Consumer Credit Counseling Service to be given those who have legitimate interest in my finances.
I will be given a written assessment outlining a suggested client action plan which will be based on the following options:
  1. I will handle any financial concerns on my own.
  2. I may choose to enroll in the agency's debt management plan. Our DMP's serve the dual role of helping you repay your debts and helping creditors to receive the money owed to them.
    1. The agency has no responsibility or obligation for any past, present, or future credit rating I receive. In certain circumstances, a debt management plan may affect my credit rating negatively.
    2. In the event that the counselor suggests a debt management plan, I will receive complete details of the operation, requirements, and responsibilities. (See Debt Management Program case closing criteria and Debt Management Agreement)
  3. A counselor may answer questions about bankruptcy, but not give legal advice. If I want legal advice, I will be referred for appropriate assistance. While an attorney can make a recommendation to file bankruptcy, it is a personal choice based on individual circumstances. I will inform the agency of the decision if I file bankruptcy.
  4. I will be referred to other services or agencies as appropriate that may be able to assist with particular problems that have been identified. I further understand I have the right to reject other services provided by CCCS, including the Debt Management Program.
At some time in the future, a neutral third party may contact me to request an evaluation of the agency's services.
Questions? Call us toll-free at 800-815-2227.